Inside an interview with Howard Specker, President and founder of Chemical Injection Technologies, Inc.: Back in the day… Well, I started in this industry back in 1969 with a job at Capital Controls Company, up in Colmar Pennsylvania. They were manufacturers of gas chlorination equipment. The man who started that company, Jim Haskett, he had invented […]
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Pressure Gauge Becomes System Hero
Troubleshoot With Pressure Gauges After almost 50 years in the chlorination industry I still see a number of installations at which some operational problem arises, either at startup or even years down the line, and we get a call to troubleshoot the situation. Upon asking a few questions about the hydraulic conditions under which the ejector is […]
Read MoreCIT And SUPERIOR Get Lean
No, Chemical Injection Technologies (CIT) is not going on a diet. CIT is joining many forward thinking high-tech organizations in “Lean,” a proactive, evolutionary approach to manufacturing. “Lean” manufacturing actually started in the 1920’s with Henry Ford’s creation of the assembly line method of building automobiles. Lean has developed into a methodology employed by many […]
Read MoreTruth About Gas Chlorination Safety
CIT’s President, Howard Specker, wrote an amazing article about chlorine gas safety over at Check out a preview of the article below. Remember when “Little Old Lady” Clara Peller rolled up to the drive-through window of Big Bun and asked “Where’s the beef?” She was asking a literal question, but also making a figurative statement. […]
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