System Details

    Choose the delivery method: Liquid or Gas? *

    Which Chemical will you be feeding? *

    What is the system's required feed rate? *

    Optional Features/Components

    Chlorine Water Analysis

    Amperometric chlorine residual analyzer
    Colorimetric chlorine residual analyzer

    The ULTRA line of water quality analysis provides accurate and immediate measurements.

    System Control

    For automatic flow proportioning, residual, and compound loop control; for constant control and quick reaction time even when treating a water system with varying feed rates.

    Vacuum Alarm System

    A vacuum alarm switch that can alarm with light, sound, or both! You'll most likely never notice that it is there, because of the superior safety of SUPERIOR.

    Ton Adapters

    Our ton container adapter easily connects any ton storage with our (and our competitors) feed systems.

    Your Information